Dr. Laura Toogood is an expert commentator on digital and social media matters. She regularly appears on national TV and Radio for the BBC, ITV and LBC. Dr. Toogood has also written for a number of national newspapers, including the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Times.
Contact her about a booking here.
Credits include:
- BBC Breakfast: Online Identity Theft (BBC One)
- BBC Documentaries: The Savage World of Social Media (aired on BBC News, BBC Wales and BBC iPlayer)
- Al Jazeera (English): Live TV interview about social media and the mainstream media
- ITV This Morning: Expert on social media and digital issues
- BBC London: Controlling exposure to harmful content
- BBC West Midlands: Monitoring the online landscape for children
- BBC Wales: Expert comment on social media use by children and screen time concerns
- BBC Midlands and BBC Online: Catfishing
- London Live TV: Expert on social media issues
- BBC Online: Social Media Tips: What are the four biggest hazards of social media? (aired on BBC News Chanel, BBC Wales and BBC iPlayer)
- Rogers TV North America: News media, journalism and reputation in the digital age
- The Sunday Times: Broad degree of confidence will help break glass ceiling
- The Telegraph: Of course children are revenge porn victims. They value popularity over privacy
- Financial Times: End the feud between the spinners and the fourth estate (book credit)